Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Homemade Cheese Flan

The first time that I had cheese flan was at Gloria Estefan's "Bongo" restaurant at Down Town Disney. I've tried flan before and didn't like it but this stuff was amazing. It was so creamy and delicious. I craved it day
after day and couldn't wait till I got home to try  to make this. And, I must say this is way better than the restaurant :) Lol!


1 can condense milk
1 can evporated milk
1  8 oz. cream cheese soften & room temp.
5 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla
1 cup sugar


  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Boil water to make a water bath for your flan. You must use a cake pan larger than the one you will use for the flan. When water has finished boiling, set up your pans. Have the smaller one inside the larger one with water already in the larger and set to the side.
  • In a blender combine all ingredients except sugar and blend until nice and creamy.
  • In a pan begin to melt your sugar down on medium heat. This will take some time to do. Do not add any thing else but sugar to the pan. Also, medium heat is fine. If it is to high it will burn the sugar. Your sugar has melted down it will turn a golden brown color when ready.
  • When sugar has completely melted pour it into your cake pan (9x13 or a large round pan is fine) Be careful it is hot!!!
  • Pour cream cheese mixture directly on top of the hot sugar. Don't worry if it looks like it has harden. It will turn into a nice carmel sauce when you remove the flan. 
  • Carefully and slowly place the flan into the oven. Cook for 1 hour and 20 minutes. 
  • Check to see if done. It will be a nice golden color on top. Also, Poke a knife into the flan and if it comes out clean it is done. If it does remove from oven. 
  • Let sit for half hour. 
  • Take a knife and glide it around the flan to loosen from the sides.
  • Carefully flip your flan onto a large enough plate. Be quick, if your not the sauce can pour out from the sides. 
  • Let completely cool before serving. It taste even better if you allow it to sit in the fridge for an hour or two before you serve. 
  • Eat and Enjoy!

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