Saturday, June 21, 2014

DIY Ant Killer

This is my first year in my house that I found ants. If you know me, then you will be surprised as much as I was. I am a total house cleaning freak. My family tells me that I have OCD when it comes to my house. So when I saw ants I started to panic. Right away I went to the internet to search for a recipe on "How to kill ants". I tried a few and this recipe was the best one. Most of us DIY'ers will have the ingredients for this post. What I like about this is it is quick and super easy.  Use caution around your children & pets when you use this method.

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp borax (not boric acid)

Boil water and make a simple syrup with the sugar. Then add the borax. Mix well. Let sit until it cools off. It will thicken a bit. Once it is cooled off pour into a container and place it where you see the ants coming in. If you have small children use a container you got from the deli at the grocery store & put large holes on top of the lid so the ants will smell the liquid and want to go into it. I hope this works as it has for me.

God Bless - John 3:16

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